We have had a busy January so far. Andrew is now 4 months old. We went for his 4 month check up and is doing well, he weighs over 15 lbs. now! He is babbling and interacting so much more, it's tons of fun!

4 month picture in the rocking chair

DeDe had a Sip and See for us at her house last weekend

Andrew was baptized last Sunday in Tyler at Marvin United Methodist Church. Tom and I were married there, Tom's parents were married there, I grew up in that church, so we thought it would be special. As you can see from Andrew's face, he didn't like it very much. He cried the whole time the pastor held him and of course, when he came back to me, he stopped crying.

Andrew is really starting to push up on his hands when he's on his tummy. He even rolled over last Monday for the first time, but I can't catch him with the camera.