Andrew turned 7 months old last week! He is definitely keeping us busy. Not crawling yet, but working on it. He has such a personality and is very busy, rarely takes a nap during the day, which makes for a tired mommy! He is wanting to grab for everything and now has 2 baby teeth. He does sleep well at night and has started a lot of solids. I tried making my own baby food and it has worked out so far. He likes everything except my carrots.

We found a field of bluebonnets in a cemetery in North Frisco, I know, random location, but there were tons of people there!

Andrew wasn't so sure about this, but we were able to get a few pictures.

We went to Tyler to see DeDe and Pops at the beginning of the week.

Andrew did not like the carrots I made and had more fun playing with his spoon.

Andrew likes to be read to, but lately, he would rather chew on the books because of his new teeth.

7 month picture in the rocking chair