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Monday, August 31, 2009

The Great Elk Hunt!

Well, there is no Baby Andrew yet, but we have a huge 380" bull Elk that will be coming to the Davis residence and going up on the wall soon. Tom traveled to Idaho last week and fulfilled his goal of taking an elk with a bow. He donated 250lbs. of meat to Hunters for the Hungry in Idaho, which provides meals for the homeless. We have 150lbs. of Elk meat at our house, so please, call us if you want to come over for dinner, PLEASE!!! I've never eaten Elk before, but it is supposed to be wonderful!

As for updates on the baby, I've gone to the doctor twice in the last two weeks and there have been no changes, no dilation, but Andrew is still growing and has a great heartbeat! I'm starting to experience some slight swelling in my hands and my fingers are numb on my right side. If you haven't received a thank you note from me, that's why, it's hard to write when your fingers are numb. I know I'm getting close to the end, only 2 weeks, hopefully!



  1. I cant believe you only have two weeks left. It just seem like yesterday that you were telling us your pregnant. Good luck the rest of pregnancy. Yall will be great parents soon.

  2. Will the elk be mounted above your fireplace????

    Hang in there, only a couple more weeks! Can't wait to meet precious baby Andrew! Keep us posted! Love ya!
