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Thursday, September 10, 2009

1 Week to Go!!!

Well, we are counting down the days until next Thursday! That's not to say that Andrew will definitely come on that day, but I hope somewhere around it. Last week, I was dilated 1 centimeter and today, I'm still only dilated 1 centimeter!!! I know babies have a mind of their own as to when they want to come. It started raining here a few minutes ago and I keep thinking, maybe the pressure/weather change will cause something to happen. I looked at the moon phases last weekend because it was a full moon, I hear that more babies are born during a full moon, but of course nothing happened with that either! My next appointment is Thursday, the actual due date. If nothing has happened by then, my doctor said we would talk about an induction date. I really don't want it to come to that, so we will see what happens. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers as Tom and I head toward parenthood!



  1. I am so excited for you. I hope you are doing well. Baby Andrew will be here soon! Wa Hoo!

  2. I am so excited for you, parenthood is great!

  3. Yaay! I can't wait to be Auntie Jess! Love you!

  4. You're going to love being a Mommy! I think he's going to come a few days early :-) I keep checking your blog thinking maybe Andrew decided to make his arrival.
